Yvette’s Ultimate Guide To a Healthier YOU!

Healthy Living has two important elements and these are exercises and diets. Living a healthy life is simply about making healthier choices.

If you need to know the secret to fitness success and how a healthy lifestyle can be attained and some tricks on how you can get that amazing body you have always craved for, then you are at the right place. Here, I will be sharing my personal fitness journey, fitness advice. I will also be sharing with you some trending topics in fitness, and short workouts that you can quickly carry out before your busy day in the morning.

On the flip side is your diet and I will be sharing tips and advice on nutrition, guide you about portion sizes, body type, how you can effectively count calories, how to choose the right food and supplement.

Yvette's Morning Routine

Do you have a morning routine? If you don’t, I encourage you to develop one. How you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. It’s the perfect opportunity to have a little “me time,” while getting your mind and body started on a good note. Here’s how...

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Yvette's Daily Suppliments

As many of you know my history I have suffered with eating disorders for several year. Therefore I've had extreme bloating and extreme gastrointestinal issues my whole life! What's crazy is I find most women even those who have never suffered with eating disorders...

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Dealing With Pain When Working Out, What is To Much?

I hear this a lot these days.. actually I have seen it on T-shirts. 'Pain is weakness leaving the body" I actually cringe when I see this.. because NO NO NO... For sure you are going to have some pain if you workout.. but its definitely more than that.. its actually a...

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MY IDEA Fitness Conference Experience 2017

As most of you know I pretty much eat sleep and breathe fitness… So attending a four day fitness convention with 15,000 other fitness professionals is  pretty much a dream come true for me... not to mention that I love going solo and having some alone time. This...

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How do I get a flat stomach

Hey guys so one of the most often asked questions that I get is how to go about getting a flat stomach. Every day I get more & more questions about this in both my personal inbox and Facebook messages. First and foremost let me start by saying this… Yvette Salva...

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How To Building Muscle By Strengthening Legs

Ok so my whole take on the fitness thing is this... Building muscle is  probably the most worth while endeavor in all of fitness. all of fitness !!!! Muscle is a major determinant on how you burn fat.. and who doesn't want that??  It also helps you control glucose and...

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How much water you actually need to drink

How much water do I actually need? So when I'm having a consultation with a client ,,,,I like to go over the basics of hydration and nutrition. Surprisingly many women do not drink enough water.. and consider coffee and tea water. WHAT NO NO NO!!!!! My standard...

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Why the Scale wont budge but your eating clean

Ok... I hear you... I absolutely do.. I hear this all day as a matter of fact!!! But let me tell you... Honestly there is a reason you are not losing weight... I am going to be 100 with you .....it all comes down to doing the same things over and over and over.. What...

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